Montag, 25. März 2013

Computer Noises

Hard disks, Floppy drives, CPU fans and more

Computer Noises is based on a wide palette of noises that computers emit when booting, reading from their CD-ROM drives or accessing a hard disk.

The library features several complete boot sequences of 10 different laptop and desktop computers ranging from an old ATARI PC-2, going over to Pentium I and III, Celerons and CoreDuo machines.
Each booting sequence was recorded from different positions within the computer casings.
So each computer features its own hard disks, power- and CPU fans plus all those other strange noises that occured.

The stems come as stereo files but due to the fact that a computer doesn´t show up as an ideal "A-B" , "X-Y" , "ORTF" or whatever stereo compatible sound source some of the stems should be seen as dual-mono files.
This doubles the amount of editing and processing possibilities.

As bonus 25 extra sounds from external hard disks and blowers of all kind are included in this library.

Format: WAV
Samples: 104, 24Bit/44.1kHz
Length: 10 to 100 seconds
Disk space: 1.1 GB