Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

Polite 800

„Polite 800“ introduces another famous eighties synthesizer: the Korg Poly 800, a classic hybrid synth that is equipped with digital controlled oscillators and a 24dB analog filter.

The Library contains 35 instruments which perfectly capture the spirit of this battery driven unit.
Both, the Live Pack and the Refill introduce a standardized control layout which is easy to familiarize with.
Nevertheless all controls and switches of the Live Racks and Refill Combinators are multi-connected to more than 20 parameters per instrument. So hot-swapping through the included Basses, Keys, Pads, Brasses and FX sounds is easy but invites for spontaneous in-depth tweaking at the same time.

Format: Ableton Live Pack, Refill
Instruments: 35 (544 samples)
Disk space: 300 MB sample content

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013

Detunized Laid Back Piano

The Detunized Laid Back Piano is now available in the Propellerhead Pro Shop

For this ReFill, every single string was recorded separately from a number of different microphone positions. Three of the included Combinators represent carefully tuned piano presets (Piano, Piano Distance, Tiny Piano).
For another set of combinators, a lot of prepared piano techniques were applied, like the sound of the strings with printer paper clamped in-between, attached plastic tools, pillow-damped plucking, and more. 

Additionally six Combinators with untuned one-shots and atonal loops are included in the Refill. These sounds were achieved by methods such as throwing a variety of items into the piano housing, stroking a thumb´s nail along the lower strings, and more. Furthermore, each person that came along during the 3-day recording session was invited to strike and knock on the piano body in order to end up with a collection of suspenseful "Percussion" sounds.