Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

Millennium Bug 2000-2004

Some tracks I created at the Beginning
of the new "Jahrtausend".
Enjoy it!

Samstag, 17. November 2012

From Russia with Love !

Vox Populi 2 brings the Polivoks - crown of soviet synthesizer engineering - to your host!

With this second installment of carefully prepared Polivoks sounds you obtain a comprehensive collection of ever wanted synth sounds. Select the mood you desire from more than 45 categorized presets and tweak them for your needs.

Each single sound is encapsulated into Live´s Macro architecture and provides standardized control layouts.

Be it the Bolschoi Synth, the Tupolew Pad, the Vox Populi Piano or even one of the included Drum Synths - just automap the Macros and get instantly familiarized with the possibilities of this library.

Listen to Demos and download the pack